“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”
– Abraham Lincoln
Seems like a quite a bit of work in order to just chop down a tree, but the essence of this quote is simple - taking the time to plan and prepare makes the entire effort and work that much easier. The same can be said for community planning.
By taking the extra steps of discussing issues, identifying opportunities, and developing a strategic gameplan, a community has the ability to make decisions and utilize resources (financial and otherwise) in a manner that is proactive and responsive to community needs - being proactive rather than reactive.
The Town of Colden's existing Comprehensive Plan was developed back in 1993 with a vision timeframe of planning out to 2002... almost 20 years ago now. While that plan helped to guide the Town between 1993 and 2002, many things have changed since then. A new plan and vision for the future of the Town of Colden is an important step to guiding the community into the next 10-12 years. In addition to this effort, the Town is also developing a more detailed separate, yet tandem, plan for the protection and promotion of agriculture, an important economic and community asset to the Town. Together, these two documents will help guide local leaders and the greater Colden community.

The development of these documents is being led by the Town of Colden Planning Board with technical assistance and professional planning guidance provided by the following consulting firms...
Any good planning project has a process that is followed from beginning to end. Below is the general process that is being undertaken for the Comprehensive Plan and Farmland Protection Plan projects. In general, the effort is expected to take around 14 months to complete.