The Plans

A Comprehensive Plan is a guiding document that is developed with the community, taking a "30,000 foot" view of the Town to highlight resources/assets (physical and man-made), identify key issues and community concerns, identify opportunities (preservation, improvement, revitalization, etc.), establish a vision and goals, and develop strategies and recommendations in order to achieve the vision over the next 10-12 years. It helps to guide decision-making and capital improvements - it is not a regulatory document in and of itself, though it does help to provide rationale for any future regulations. Being comprehensive by nature, it generally covers a number of topics depending on the information provided by the community.

Much the same as the Comprehensive Plan, this document provides guidance to the community though tailored specifically to the agricultural community instead. It also highlights resources, identifies issues and concerns, highlights opportunities, and establishes goals and recommendations for the future - all geared towards agriculture and farming. In addition to identifying avenues for protecting and promoting continued agriculture in the Town of Colden, it also provides a number of resource material in the form of supporting agencies, entities, programs, and more.