Community Involvement

A Comprehensive Plan is only as good as the feedback and input that is provided from those that know the Town itself - the residents and business owners! Throughout the project, there will be various opportunities for the community to learn about the project and, more importantly, provide the input the Planning Board and planning consultants need to help flesh out the vision, goals, and recommendations for the Town. This page will be updated with the various community meetings that will be held as part of the development of the Comprehensive Plan and the Farmland Protection Plan.
Please note this page contains both upcoming and past community meeting(s) associated with the Comprehensive Plan Update and the Farmland Plan - be sure to check the information below to make sure you're kept up-to-date!
Public Meeting #3
Scheduled for April 25th from 6-8pm at the Colden Fire Hall. Progress to date will be shared as well as a walkthrough of the final sections, the remainder of the schedule/process, and an opportunity to provide your feedback on the key priorities for the implementation section of the documents.
We've been working away at the community profiles for each document and getting a much better understanding of the issues and opportunities in Colden. While some of this was based on an assessment of mapping, demographics, socioeconomics, and other data, a lot of it was derived from feedback and input from YOU! The public meeting back in December and the community survey framed the development of a vision, core values and goals for the future.
See the page for summaries of each of the surveys.
Public Meeting #2
Held September 27, 2022
Click to expand flyer
Online Community Survey
Held March-April 2022
(now closed)
We got a lot of great feedback during the first public meeting, but we wanted to make sure we provided the opportunity to as many folks as possible early on in the process - the more insight we have on local issues, and opportunities in the Town of Colden, the better we can help the community develop a vision and goals for the future. An online community survey was developed and made available for both the Comprehensive Plan and the Agricultural Plan through a dedicated site (Social Pinpoint) and notice of this survey was done through the Town's website, social media postings, and through the Town newsletter. Hard copies of the survey were also made available at Town Hall in addition to the online application (both asked the same feedback questions). This was a great way to gain more insight into the community and reinforce/strengthen what was already shared back in December! While the survey is closed, you are more than welcome to still check out the survey site for other information contained on it using the link below.
Thank you for those that took part and shared your insight about the Town!
Held December 1, 2021
At this meeting, folks were invited to learn more about the project, hear from the planning consultants, and take part in a brainstorming session to help identify those key issues and opportunities that will help kick start the process! A brief overview was provided by the consultants with most of the time provided for gathering input. A series of tables were be set up with a facilitator at each, guided questions, notepads, and maps for marking up. This was an opportunity to "put pen to paper!" A topic/discussion time was provided specifically dedicated to agriculture in order to solicit input from local farmers for the Farmland Protection Plan.